PayPal Here vs. Square

November 01, 2021

PayPal Here vs. Square: A Battle of Payment Processing Giants

In the world of payment processing, there are two names that stand out among the rest: PayPal Here and Square. Both platforms offer a range of services that make it easy for merchants to accept payments from customers. This blog post will compare the two services and help you decide which one is the best fit for your business.

User Interface

Square has a user-friendly interface with an intuitive navigation system. The interface features a customizable dashboard that allows you to view important transaction data and other metrics at a glance. PayPal Here has a slightly more cluttered interface, but it offers everything you need to accept payments. PayPal Here also offers a dedicated app for account management.

Fees and Rates

One of the most significant factors to consider when choosing a payment processing provider is fees and rates. PayPal Here charges a flat rate of 2.7% per transaction. Square charges the same flat rate for in-person transactions, but online transactions incur a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. While the fee difference may seem insignificant, businesses with high volume sales can save a lot of money with PayPal Here.


Both platforms offer free credit card readers for your mobile device, making it easy to accept payments on-the-go. However, Square offers additional hardware options like a dock for your reader and a cash register that integrates with their software. PayPal Here offers a similar device for a cash register, but it is not as feature-rich as Square's option.

Recurring Payments

A recurring payment option is a must-have for many businesses, especially for those with a subscription-based model. Square offers a recurring payment option with a chargeback guarantee, and PayPal Here offers a similar option.

Customer Support

PayPal Here offers 24/7 customer support through a variety of channels, including live chat, email, and phone. Square offers similar support, but only during business hours.


The payment processing giants, PayPal Here and Square, are both top of their game with distinct advantages. Square has a more user-friendly interface and enhanced hardware options, while PayPal Here offers lower fees and comprehensive customer support. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to the specific needs of your business.


  1. PayPal Here. (n.d.). PayPal Here [Webpage]. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from
  2. Square. (n.d.). Square [Webpage]. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from

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